Adding Employees to Keep

Add employees, manually, through bulk import, and by connecting your HRIS / HCM system to Keep.


Employees can be added in multiple ways to the Keep platform. If you are starting with a small pilot or test bonus, you can add users one at a time or as a small group using the manual addition. If you are adding multiple employees, you can use our CSV import process and if you want your HRIS system synced with Keep to always stay up to date, you can use the HRIS integration. You can watch the below video for an overview or you can read through the steps below.

Adding Employees Manually

You can follow the below steps to add employees manually to Keep.

Adding Employees via CSV Import

You can add employees using a CSV Import using the steps below.

Adding employees through the HRIS sync

Keep can integrate with your HRIS system and maintain a list of all employees. This makes it very easy to search for users within Keep and issue bonuses.